Today the replica Louis vuitton handbags are everywhere, such as
Louis Vuitton Rivington PM, the sale condition of these bags also popular in the internet. The website is the first choice of Louis vuitton fans. Actually in the beginning of this corporation, the counterfeiting problem is the head-pain to this corporation. With times passing by, the problem becomes more serious. This can explain the popularity of Louis vuitton’s products, in other respect it can explain that why the logo of this brand is always changing.
With changing of logo, the monogram becomes the representative of this brands, it is the secret to the success of this brand. This mark was effected by the eastern art which popular in nineteen century and the Nabis school .The monogram is the essence of these two school. The print has used for nearly one hundred years. The handbag with monogram print is the basic one to the Louis vuitton lover. In old age, the designers are focus on traditional but not fashion. Now, Louis vuitton has changed its style,
Louis Vuitton Rivington PM is a example. In order to celebrate the hundred years anniversary of monogram collection, seven fashion designers were invited to design the limited edition handbags of louis vuitton, the result was that a lot of people were crazy about this collection. Also This brand known that they also should follow suit. Now, American fashion designer Marc Jacobs is the creative director of this old French brand. The development of this brand will into which direction, nobody knows.
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