Yesterday, I finally have my first
Galliera PM Damier Azur which I dreaming for 25 years. it was a little mature than my age, general matches in my daily life. But I like it very much. It worth HK$6800.00.Just looks from appearance; the bag is like the replica bag that buy from louis vuitton outlet. But the most important one lies in the person who holds it.
This bag is the gift from my sister, she said that I was a office lady, so I must taken a handbag that fits for my own status ,this Louis vuitton bag is the best accessories to the work ladies. Today, I am holding this authentic handbag to go to work, because this bag is expensive, so that I must take it careful. I am afraid that it will break by others. I was always worried about the bag, I feel very tired, a replica handbag will no need to upset.
When I back to the office, the colleagues all surprise about this bag, some of them are admire that I have such an authentic
Galliera PM Damier Azur. But some of they are suspect that it is a replica handbags. That makes me angry. The feeling of the authentic handbags sometimes will not so good.
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